We have provided you with a general list of scholarships available as well as scholarships by specific area of interest. These awards are not affiliated with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as they are outside sources of funding. Select your area of interest for available scholarship opportunities and review the information carefully prior to applying.

You can be awarded up to your cost of attendance, so apply for as many scholarships as possible. Some scholarships require a written essay. It is best to create a general draft and edit that copy for each individual scholarship.

Congratulations to our Worldwide external scholarship winners! 64 students were awarded a total of $257,313.60 in external scholarship funds during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Receiving an External Scholarship?

If you receive an external scholarship, the funds should be sent directly to the Worldwide Financial Aid Office and applied to your account according to your donor’s specifications. External scholarship checks sent without supporting documentation from the donor could cause a delay in processing. Please see the information below for ensuring your external scholarship is processed correctly and without delay. 

  1. All checks and information regarding how the award should be paid must be mailed to:

    ERAU Financial Aid
    Attention: Scholarships
    1 Aerospace Boulevard
    Daytona Beach, FL 32114
  2. A letter indicating the following information should be sent with the check:
    1. What academic year/term the award is for.
    2. What the award should be used towards.
      1. Tuition/fees/books, etc.
    3. If the student is due a refund resulting from the scholarship, are they allowed to receive it?
    4. The student ID# or Social Security number of the recipient.
    5. Contact information for the donor should any questions arise.

Have a Question?

Call: 866-567-7202
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How Much Will It Cost?

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