Disclaimer: Applicable rules and regulations may be modified or updated from time to time, and shall be binding as of the date published. Students and applicants are bound by the terms in effect at the time of any event or occurrence. The online version of the student handbook shall be the official current version of applicable rules, regulations and procedure, and can be found on the Dean of Students website in ERNIE.

Welcome From the Worldwide Chancellor

To our students,

Please allow me to congratulate you on being part of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Your decision to become a student here reflects your commitment and dedication to achieving success both academically and professionally.

Our strengths are many, but the following stand out:

  • Commitment to student service and success
  • Commitment to academic quality
  • Commitment to innovation
  • Commitment to the military community

Thanks to the work and support of our faculty and staff, our alumni and students, and so many people in the communities we serve, Embry-Riddle Worldwide stands ready to help you achieve your educational and career goals.

John R. Watret, Ph.D., FRAeS
Chancellor, Worldwide Campus

Welcome From the Dean of Students Office

Whether this is your first college experience, or you are returning to enhance your skills, our office is here to support you and help ensure you are positioned to achieve your very best.

We support students by safeguarding our inclusive global community while inspiring affinity for the University. We achieve this by:

  • Welcoming students to eUnion, our virtual community
  • Supporting your wellbeing through our virtual wellness services
  • Offering an Ombudsman
  • Providing students with disabilities customized accommodations
  • Providing a centralized grievance process

Visit the Worldwide Dean of Students ERNIE page to learn more! We are excited you are here and excited to be a part of your educational journey.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University — Worldwide (ERAU-WW) provides a transformative educational experience through fostering collaboration and teamwork, ethical and responsible behavior, and a culture of research and discovery that mirrors the professions we serve. We focus on the development of the professional skills needed for success in global business. ERAU-WW is committed to providing a climate that facilitates the highest standards of academic achievement, innovation and entrepreneurship in a culturally diverse community that supports the unique needs of each individual.

Our campus culture nurtures and celebrates different and unique perspectives, while valuing the ideas and efforts of individual contributors in a safe and non-judgmental environment. We are committed to attracting and retaining a diverse group of students, faculty and staff. We promote civility and respect. We consider one of our missions to be the stewardship of students, who are our primary focus. Their well-being and feeling of belonging is paramount to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide (ERAU-WW). We ensure that students feel welcomed and included into the ERAU-WW "family."

We encourage university community members to take responsibility for their safety and security. By doing so, members of the university community assist in maintaining a safer and more secure environment.

In an emergency, call 911. Contact your local authorities if you are outside of the United States.

  • Non-Emergencies: Contact your local campus staff member to report non-emergency situations.
  • Student of Concern: If you have witnessed a situation involving a student that creates concern for their health and/or safety, feel like a student requires assistance or see a student behaving inappropriately, submit the Student of Concern Form in ERNIE. This report goes to the Student Affairs Office.
  • Sexual Misconduct and Harassment: For reporting Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct, please contact our Title IX Coordinator immediately. You can also fill out the Sexual Misconduct Form online through ERNIE and the Title IX website.

The Annual Campus Security Report is available on the Consumer Information page. It includes campus crime statistics for the previous three years and features security policies, procedures and safety recommendations.

Civil Rights Equity & Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a civil rights law prohibiting colleges and universities, which receive federal funds, from discrimination on the basis of sex. Discrimination under Title IX includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, including rape and sexual assault. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities participating in federal financial programs to maintain and disclose information related to crime on campuses, including sexual assault.

Title IX requires that any school receiving federal funding have a designated Title IX coordinator. It is imperative that employees and students report any incidents of sexual violence to the Title IX coordinator immediately, even if the report complaint was initially filed with another individual or office. Title IX requires a school to take prompt and effective steps to reasonably end sexual harassment and sexual violence that creates a hostile environment. For additional information and reporting, please visit the Title IX website.

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

Information concerning sexual offenders or predators as required by the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offenders Registration Act is available in the United States within each individual state. Please contact your local police department for additional information and reporting.

What the Honor Code Is

The Honor Code is a statement on academic integrity and personal accountability, articulating expectations of students and faculty in establishing and maintaining the highest standards in academic work and personal conduct. The Honor Code is based on the principle that a spirit of trust should pervade all aspects of student life. Its essence is that any violation of the Honor Code is an offense against the community. An effective Honor Code depends upon each student adhering to the spirit and letter of its principles. It demands accountability on the part of each student for their actions. Students are responsible for their conduct and shall be subject to review, including possible suspension, for behavior that discredits themselves or the University.

The Honor Code incorporates two different pledges of student conduct: the academic pledge and the community pledge. In addition, it embodies the individual's commitment to develop a community of honor, including taking action against those who violate the Code. Therefore, as a student of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University — Worldwide (ERAU-WW), I will:

  • Understand the importance of the Honor Code for the university, my community and myself.
  • Hold myself to the highest standards of personal honesty and ethical behavior in my academic work.
  • Take the appropriate steps consistent with the Honor Code, if I see an instance of academic dishonesty.
  • Respect myself, fellow ERAU-WW students, faculty and staff, and members of our community, and I will do my best to apply the standards set forth by the Honor Code to my daily life.

As a member of the ERAU-WW community, I am committed to this Honor Code and maintaining the highest level of academic integrity and social and civic responsibility at our institution.

Violations of the Honor Code

Examples of conduct that have been regarded as being in violation of the Honor Code include:

  • Any behavior in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Copying from another’s examination paper.
  • Allowing another to copy from one’s own paper.
  • Unpermitted collaboration.
  • Plagiarism.
  • Revising and resubmitting a quiz or exam for regrading, without the instructor’s knowledge and consent.
  • Giving or receiving unpermitted aid on a take-home or online examination.
  • Representing as one’s own work the work of another.
  • Giving or receiving aid on an academic assignment under circumstances in which a reasonable person should have known that such aid was not permitted.

Penalties for Violating the Honor Code

Penalties for violating the honor code will be determined through the Student Affairs office.

Academic violations are handled in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy and Conduct violations are handled in accordance with the Student Conduct Policy.

Submitting Embry-Riddle content to resource sharing sites, such as Course Hero, CHEGG and Paper Camp, constitutes a direct violation to ERAU-WW’s Intellectual Property and is a violation to the Student Code of Conduct Policy.

Students submitting any Embry-Riddle course material or previously submitted graded assignments to or from resource sharing websites will be considered in violation of the Academic IntegrityPolicy.

For the most detailed description, including definitions, please view the Honor Code above.


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide is resolute in supporting and successfully executing the University’s values. The Student Code of Conduct ensures that all people behave and are treated in a manner that is ethical, respectful, responsible and professional. Additionally, it safeguards a culturally diverse, inclusive and supportive environment for all.


The Dean of Students Office is dedicated to upholding the Student Code of Conduct and will hold applicants and enrolled or continuing students, responsible and accountable for an infraction of any of the following concepts, values or behaviors.

  • Applicants: May be denied admissions or have their application administratively canceled.
  • Enrolled or Continuing Students: Can be subject to disciplinary action processed through the Dean of Students Office.

Note: Discontinued Students with an unresolved alleged violation will not be allowed to register for a future semester until the matter has been adjudicated through the disciplinary process. This defines those students who have a pending alleged violation and failed to enroll within one year of their last class and wish to reapply to the university.

Sanctions imposed will depend on the severity of the violation(s) and/or the student’s previous disciplinary record. The following is a list of violations:

  • Abusive, Threatening or Bullying Behavior: Any conduct that threatens or endangers the health and/or safety of a member of the University community (including oneself) on or off University property; any place that the University conducts business or at a University-sponsored or -supervised activity. Behavior includes but is not limited to threats, intimidation, defiance, profanity, discrimination, harassment, coercion, bullying, cyberbullying, blackmail, sexual misconduct and/or stalking.
    1. Verbal: Includes but not limited to communications made in person, by phone, voicemail or other auditory means.
    2. Physical: Includes but not limited to assault; battery; fighting; alcohol poisoning; false imprisonment; prohibiting a person from entering or departing a room, car or event through force or presence; or otherwise confining a person and any unwanted physical contact between individuals or attempts of physical threat.
    3. Written: Includes but not limited to instant messaging, internet usage, email, cell phone (texting, etc.), social networking sites (including the Virtual Community), letters, signs, chalkboards, whiteboards, discussion boards, memes and videos.
    4. Retaliation: Action taken against another member of the community who has been identified as a reporter (complainant), victim or University representative alleging misconduct.
    5. Implied: Includes but not limited to gestures, taunting comments, intimidation or any behaviors that are deemed to create a threatening or uncomfortable environment.
    6. Harassment: Harassment includes willful, intentional or a persistent act that knowingly and maliciously harms or annoys another individual. Bullying, intimidating and stalking will be considered forms of harassment and an Abusive/Threatening Behavior violation. Note that actions that are unwanted or unwelcomed can be considered a form of harassment.
    7. Sexual Misconduct: Includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, non-consensual sexual contact, nonconsensual sexual intercourse, sexual exploitation, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence and intimate partner violence.
  • Improper Language: Any language deemed disrespectful, unprofessional, aggressive or inappropriate in the learning environment.
  • Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco Use: Use and/or possession of alcohol or tobacco on University-owned property, with the exception of approved designated areas or events, is prohibited. Policies may differ regarding tobacco usage on military installations and on property that Embry-Riddle leases. It is advisable to check directly with those facilities. Illegal drugs are prohibited at all University-owned or -leased properties. Disruptive or destructive behavior associated with, or as a consequence of, drinking or the use of drugs is not an acceptable form of conduct. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs does not excuse students from negative behaviors and/or violations of the code of conduct, policies, state and federal laws. Students should review the Alcohol and Drug Policy.
  • Computer Use and Security Violations (including attempted violations): Any misuse of computing facilities, software, hardware; unauthorized use of another individual’s computer account; misuse of one’s own computer account; or any violation of the policies for using University computers, equipment or computing network resources at Embry-Riddle or through the Embry-Riddle system.
  • Criminal Violation: Violation of any State or Federal Criminal Code while on or off University-owned or leased property. A student accused, arrested or convicted of any misdemeanor, felony or sexual offense must notify the Dean of Students Office within 24 hours after their release from jail and/or a judgment.
  • Disorderly Conduct: Include but not limited to excessively loud, lewd, indecent, obscene, disruptive or disrespectful conduct on University property or in connection with any and all University activity. Inciting others to be disruptive or disrespectful constitutes disorderly conduct.
  • False Information: Knowingly providing false information or withholding information.
  • False Representation and Forgery: Includes but is not limited to students sharing login information with another individual (someone logging into another students account that does not belong to them). Additionally, includes students and student organizations forging, altering, falsifying, destroying, misuse or unauthorized use of reproduction of a University document, the signature or computer login of university personnel, record or identification; or using Embry-Riddle stationary, business cards or logo.
  • Military Installations: Students must adhere to the Department of Defense and base regulations and requirements, as applicable, concerning standards of conduct on the installation and access to the base. The university must report all disruptive behavior to the United States Government, and students may be barred from access to a military installation.
  • Theft: Theft or attempted theft, unauthorized possession, misuse or wrongful appropriation of property, vandalism or malicious destruction, or sale of property not belonging to oneself.
  • Unauthorized Entry or Use: Unauthorized entry or attempted entry or use of University facilities and/or equipment, including unauthorized possession, duplication or use of University keys, access codes, or unauthorized access to information, property or person.
  • Vandalism: Includes but not limited to the misuse, attempted or destruction of University-owned or -leased equipment, building or emergency equipment.
  • Weapons Possession: The possession of weapons or weapon replicas on or in proximity to a University property or activity is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to firearms, BB guns, air guns, knives, swords, machetes, blow darts, spears, compound bows/arrows, tasers, brass knuckles, slingshots, martial arts devices, dangerous chemicals, incendiary devices or other explosive substances, including fireworks or any device capable of firing or launching a projectile or other objects classified or used as weapons with potential for danger or harm.
  • Other: Any other just cause, including behavior deemed inappropriate, unethical or not conducive to the learning environment.

Important Notes:

  • Because the safety of our students and employees is paramount, all employees and students have an affirmative duty to immediately report to local or military police agencies should a student or other employee exhibit behavior at any University-sponsored activity that is deemed to threaten or endanger the health or safety of others.

  • All employees and students have an affirmative duty to immediately report to local or military police agencies the presence of dangerous weapons on any premises owned or controlled by Embry-Riddle.


A student found responsible for violations under the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action. The sanctions are not imposed sequentially and relate to the severity of the violation. One or more sanctions may be imposed for the same violation.

Disciplinary sanctions may be imposed for violations under the Student Code of Conduct. All disciplinary sanctions are noted in the student's non-academic student file and may be kept indefinitely, including those of suspended or dismissed students.

  • Educational Program
    • Student required to write an apology letter and/or paper, and complete an educational mini-course or any educational program deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students Office. A hold on course enrollment may be imposed until completion of educational program sanction.
  • Restrictions
    • Student restricted from holding executive roles and/or leadership positions, and restricted from participation in university activities and/or programs within the university for a specific period. This may be temporary or permanent.
  • Warning
    • A disciplinary warning is a verbal or written notice given to a student whose behavior is in violation of University policy.
  • Probation
    • University Conduct Probation is an intermediate sanction imposed for a specific period. The probationary period allows a student to demonstrate acceptable behavior in order to continue enrollment at Embry-Riddle. Guidelines for a student's behavior may be included as conditions of the probation. If an offense is committed during the probation period, actions may be instituted that result in suspension or dismissal.
  • Suspension
    • Suspension is an involuntary separation of the student from the University for a specific period. Readmission to the University may be granted after the suspension period or after conditions have been satisfactorily met.
  • Dismissal
    • Dismissal is the involuntary and permanent separation of the student from the University. Note: An exception or alternation may be made for special circumstances by the Dean of Students on a case-by-case basis.

Note: The sanctions of Suspension and Dismissal are the most severe sanctions rendered and are determined by a committee through a unanimous vote. Their decision is final and not open to appeal.

Student Responsibilities: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide (ERAU-WW) students are responsible for knowing the regulations and procedures required for attendance at the University. These are detailed in University publications. A student who requires clarification should seek help from their academic advisor or the Student Affairs Office. Regulations will not be waived because a student is unaware of policies and procedures. The University reserves the right to change curricula and academic regulations and procedures without notice or obligation. The University reserves the right to cancel and/or modify a course or course modality at any time. All measures will be taken to adjust the course prior to the term start date.

Academic Integrity: ERAU-WW is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will involve imposing sanctions upon students who commit violations to the Honor Code. Penalties may include but are not limited to a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in a course, suspension or dismissal from the University, upon students who commit violations to the Honor Code. Students are responsible for reading and understanding the Honor Code.

ChatGPT and AI: The use of ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in an educational setting must be guided by ethical principles and academic integrity. Students and faculty may use these tools for research support or aids to enhance their learning and scholarship but should not rely solely on them to produce original work. The University recognizes the potential benefits of AI but acknowledges the potential risks, such as creating unauthentic, inaccurate, biased, or harmful content. Faculty should inform their students of AI tools' potential benefits and risks. Students should follow best practices to ensure authentic scholastic accomplishment and academic integrity, including avoiding plagiarism or machine ghostwriting. Ultimately, the University upholds the importance of intellectual honesty and ethical research practices and expects the ERAU community to act in accordance with these principles when using AI tools.

Suspension and Dismissal for Cause: The University reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a student at any time, and without further reason, if the student exhibits undesirable conduct. Undesirable conduct includes any conduct that disrupts the educational process of the University or any actions that pose a risk to the health, safety or property of members of the University community. The University community may include but is not limited to other students, faculty, staff, administrative officers or the student themselves.

Student Grievance: It is the policy of ERAU-WW to administer its programs in a manner that is fair, equitable, academically sound and in accordance with the regulations and criteria of its governing board, accrediting association, and federal and state laws and regulations. Students are provided an opportunity to express any concerns pertaining to ERAU-WW's policies, faculty or staff through the Student Grievance Form. No adverse action will be taken against any student who files a complaint or grievance.

Students are encouraged to first address any issues with the faculty or staff member for which the grievance is based. If unresolved, the student should provide a written document outlining the situation and submit it to the Student Affairs Office through the Student Grievance Form. Students may contact the Student Ombudsman to gain advice and specific direction in seeking a resolution.

In the event a student going through the above-mentioned remedies is still not satisfied with the outcome of their grievance, they may make a final appeal in writing to the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) for academic issues or the Worldwide Dean of Students for conduct issues. For state-specific student grievance procedures, please visit the State Authorizations page.

Student Ombudsman


The Ombudsman will listen to concerns, clarify issues and resolve conflicts by referring students to services. The Ombudsman is a source of information and assistance, concerning University policy and procedures.

Issues related to grades, differences of opinion with instructors or academic matters should first be brought to the faculty member or the appropriate campus staff.

The Ombudsman serves as an impartial representative of the University and is not directly involved in the area of the complaint or grievance.

How can the Ombudsman help you?

  • By listening carefully to concerns and complaints.
  • By helping analyze the situation.
  • By identifying and explaining relevant University policies, procedures and problem-solving channels.
  • By helping define options.
  • By following up to make sure a concern is resolved.
  • By recommending changes in University policies or procedures.

When the Ombudsman does not get involved?

  • When you want legal advice or legal representation. The Ombudsman can advise you of your rights within the University but will not provide legal advice or represent you in a legal matter.
  • When you have a non-University-related disagreement or problem.
  • When you want someone to represent you in a University grievance procedure. The Ombudsman will discuss the process and clarify the options available before and after the proceedings.

Unless specifically exempted from disclosure by law or order of court, students and applicants have an affirmative duty to immediately disclose any criminal convictions or charges against them for violent offenses, offenses against minors and/or offenses that are punishable as a felony.

Students or applicants who violate University rules, regulations or procedure, or who have criminal records, may be inconsistent with the safety and interests of the University.

Accordingly, the University may use its sole discretion to temporarily or permanently bar any student or applicant whose aforementioned violation is deemed by the University to pose an unreasonable risk to the interests of the University at large.

The applicable rules and regulations may be modified or updated from time to time and shall be binding as of the date published. Students and applicants are bound by the terms in effect at the time of any event or occurrence. The electronic version of applicable rules, regulations and procedures shall be the official current version. For additional information, please contact Student Affairs at wwstuaff@erau.edu.

Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University does not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. Such conduct is harmful to the well-being of our community members, our learning and working environments, and the collegial relationships among students, faculty and staff that characterize the culture of Embry‑Riddle. All forms of sexual harassment under the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy or the University Sexual Misconduct Policy are regarded as policy violations, which could result in disciplinary action, including the possibility of separation from the university. For more information, visit the Title IX Compliance website.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of and limit access to educational records. FERPA grants to student’s certain rights, privileges and protections relative to the identifiable information contained within their educational records maintained by the University.


  • Students have some control over disclosure of information. Records (with the exception of directory information) will be released to third parties outside the University only with student consent.
  • Students have the right to inspect, review and request amendment of their educational records.
  • Students have the right to challenge information contained within their educational records.
  • Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe their rights under FERPA are violated.

Records covered by FERPA include grades, housing information, financial status, results of disciplinary proceedings, etc. FERPA does not apply to Medical, Disability and Counseling records, which are confidential and protected. FERPA permits the release of directory-type information to third parties outside the institution without written consent.

Students may file a Request for Non-Disclosure form of Student Directory Information, meaning no information, including directory information, will be released, except as required by law. This means that the University cannot verify enrollment and degrees earned requests from potential employers or insurance companies.

Requests from the student for Enrollment Verifications or Transcripts may be honored regardless of the hold with verified student authorization. Requests for non-disclosure remain in effect even after graduation and may be rescinded with a verified signature. For students who have rescinded their Non-Disclosure and left the University, it can only be reinstated if the individual re- enrolls.

Directory information includes:

  • Name
  • ERAU e-mail
  • Campus, school or college attended
  • Course of study and areas of specialization
  • Dates admitted, attended and graduated
  • Enrollment and class status (freshman, senior, full-time, part-time, etc.)
  • Degrees sought or earned and dates received or anticipated
  • Awards, honors and special programs or recognitions (for student athletes and scholarship recipients)
  • ERAU ID photograph

The following is also included as Directory Information but is only released for compelling reasons and only with advance approval of the Registrar, Dean of Students or their designee:

  • Permanent or local mailing addresses and telephone numbers
  • Non-ERAU email addresses or account information
  • Date of birth
  • Factual disciplinary history, including the results of disciplinary processes or the fact that action was pending at the time of withdrawal
  • Information from public sources

Directory information cannot include identification or social security number, race, ethnicity, nationality or gender.

To request Non-Disclosure of Directory Information: The Non-Disclosure of Directory Information form must be completed and presented to University personnel along with a photo ID. Unless notarized, the form should be signed in the presence of University personnel after identification has been verified.

Non-directory information contained within a student’s record may include: grades, GPA, disciplinary proceedings, and social security and student numbers. Disclosure of non-directory, personally identifiable information requires student consent. This means that the University must withhold such information from parents and others, who believe their relationship with the student entitles them to have the information (even on occasions when the student prefers the information be released), if consent for release is not given.

Consent for release is not required for disclosure: to school officials, including the National Student Clearinghouse, with legitimate educational interests; to state, federal and local authorities conducting audits, evaluations or enforcement of education programs, or to organizations working on their behalf; to accrediting organizations; in connection with financial aid; to parents of a dependent child when the most recent tax return is provided; in compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena; in a health or safety emergency.

If you are a current student, you may review the training for granting auxiliary access. Students may grant Auxiliary Access to non-directory records through Campus Solutions in their Student Self Service Center, under FERPA. The University cannot release non-directory information if it has not been given permission to do so, unless under the circumstances listed above. The University is able to release non-directory information only when the student has granted access via Auxiliary Access. FERPA forbids requiring students to give such permission. Once Auxiliary Access has been granted, the University will be able to disclose non-directory information and respond to inquiries from individuals designated by the student. Students may revise their designations for disclosure at any time through Auxiliary Access in Campus Solutions.

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires colleges and universities to publicly disclose aspects of policies and procedures. The information provided is to aid families in making the best college decision possible for them. Please visit our Consumer Information website for further information.

The Dean of Students Office provides support with emergency situations and the verification of these events in a confidential manner.

A student may request assistance from the Dean of Students Office to provide verification of an absence to a faculty member by:

  1. Submitting an electronic request via the ERNIE Dean of Students page.
  2. Providing supportive documentation.

Please note that while the Dean of Students Office can help verify the documented circumstances, such verification does not guarantee an excused absence, rescheduled coursework, submission of missed assignments and/or makeup exam(s). The final decision regarding the approval to make up any missed work will be at the discretion of the faculty member.

The Dean of Students Office highly recommends students communicate with faculty one-on-one regarding any absences that are non-urgent to make up any missed work. A Dean of Students staff member will notify the student of all outcomes and maintain the confidentiality of the request. Students who have chronic health or mental health concerns are encouraged to register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) for additional support. If the absence is disability related and part of your established accommodations through the SAS Office, an absence verification form is not necessary. However, students experiencing an emergency situation that is not part of established accommodations can request an absence verification via the Absence Verification Form. Any requests due to pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician should be directed to the Student Accessibility Services Office.

See the Embry-Riddle Worldwide Catalog and Student Services and Academic Affairs section.

Embry-Riddle Worldwide is committed to serving all veterans and their dependents. For information on the Worldwide Military & Veterans Student Services Office, including using benefits, the Veterans Administration Handbook is a valuable resource. We also recognize our responsibility under the mandates of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to ensure equal access to its programs and services for students with a documented disability. To learn more about the services we offer, please review the ERNIE Student Accessibility Services page.

Section 487(a)(23) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires institutions to share information regarding voting. Students may find information online on how to register to vote, how to volunteer to become a poll worker and how to request your ballot if you are serving in the military or an overseas citizen.

Contact Us

Worldwide Campus
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
1 Aerospace Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114

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