Information for Students with Disabilities

Faculty Notification

Once disability status has been established, students are required to submit the Request for Accommodation Form each time they register. This form authorizes Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to notify the faculty for that term of any accommodations required.

Students are encouraged to register as early as possible to allow time for the SAS to notify the faculty. It is also suggested that the student notify the faculty during the first week of the class.

  • SAS will send an email and copy the student and each identified instructor, advising them that the student is a member of the protected class and of the required accommodation.
  • Every effort will be made to provide accommodations in a timely manner.
  • Accommodations will not be provided retroactively, nor will grades be altered, when students choose not to request accommodations in advance of a term starting.

Disability-Related Class Attendance/Absence

Attendance, regardless of modality, and with it group project participation, is essential toward students’ mastery of the learning objectives for many courses. Faculty determines whether students may make up missed assignments, quizzes or exams. Faculty are not required to reduce academic standards or alter essential course elements for purposes of accommodation.

Toward the end of a term, when frequent or extended absences delay the completion of course objectives, individual students may consult with their instructor to request an incomplete (I) grade. Students requesting an incomplete grade should have the ability to complete course requirements within the period of time specified in the Worldwide Campus catalog.

Temporary Eligibilities

Students with a short-term medical condition are encouraged to contact the SAS as soon as possible to discuss the academic impact of their injury or illness. A temporary eligibility might include the following:

  • Major surgery
  • Limited mobility due to a broken bone or muscle injury
  • Concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Short-term illness
  • Pregnancy

Missing a few classes or deadlines due to the flu, a common cold, etc. would not require formal accommodations through the SAS Office or be considered a temporary eligibility. In these situations, it would be best to work with your professor directly to determine the flexibility they may afford you regarding submitting late work without penalty.

Course Substitutions

The premise behind reasonable accommodation is to allow students to pursue a typical course of study, albeit with certain modifications and/or adjustments, that terminates in a desired degree or certificate. Therefore, in determining if course substitution is a reasonable accommodation, the University has the responsibility to consider whether a course is essential to the student’s curriculum and whether making a substitution would represent a substantial change to that curriculum.

Before the university considers a request for course substitution, the SAS will collaborate with the registrar and program chair to determine if:

  • The course in question is required for graduation.
  • The course in question is a general education requirement or a required course in the degree program.
  • The student has received appropriate course placement.
  • Accommodations have been offered that allow the student to participate in the usual/typical course of study that leads to academic program completion.

Contact Us

Worldwide Student Accessibility Services
1 Aerospace Boulevard
Daytona Beach, Florida 32119