Students and faculty member look at a laptop.

Engage in Research 

Embry‑Riddle strives to create a culture of discovery and the pursuit of knowledge through research and scholarship initiatives. Research, in combination with education, enhances students' professional skills and deepens their understanding of studied topics in their chosen field. 

Undergraduate students are encouraged to join the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, where nearly 90% engage directly with faculty and industry professionals through cutting-edge research, capstone projects, internships and more.

Students collaborate on faculty-led research projects or pursue their own innovative ideas. Embry-Riddle supports this by offering internal funding sources, skill development and opportunities that align with professional goals.

Research Scholars Program 

The Research Scholars Program at Embry-Riddle's Worldwide Campus (WW-RSP), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), represents a commitment to advancing knowledge and encouraging collaboration in STEM-related fields of research, as it aims to achieve significant research outcomes through innovative approaches and scholarly inquiry.

The program is designed to support students who incorporate research experience into their undergraduate education. Students participate in various aspects of the program, including workshops, mentoring, research resources and extracurricular options for engaging in research.

Ready to Join?

To join the research program, students should first enroll and request a research mentor through COMPASS. Next, review all WW-RSP materials, attend live online workshops and explore previous workshops on Canvas. One familiar with the resources, students should work with their mentor to explore a research topic and set personal goals.

To apply for the Research Mentorship Program, fill out the application here. You will be paired with your research mentor, hosted through the COMPASS program, which provides critical infrastructure.

Undergraduate Research Scholar Program Requirements

The Worldwide Research Scholars Program can help you earn this valuable designation in the following requirements:

  • Research Experience: Involvement in two or more terms of research under faculty or staff mentor supervision.

  • Research Dissemination: Sharing of research through an Embry-Riddle event and other opportunities.

  • Research Training: Completion of workshops, training or coursework related to research.

  • Research Endorsement: Need at least one endorsement from a research mentor.

  • Research Reflection: A written reflection describing the impact of your research.

  • Resume/CV: A formal resume or CV that highlights research experiences. The WW-RSP has workshops to help you create and update your Resume/CV and you can connect with Worldwide Career Services for career readiness and support.

Speak to your academic advisor about your intentions to engage in research to decide how it best fits in your degree plan!

Contact Us

To learn more, make an appointment with the Worldwide Research Scholars Program by contacting any of the co-directors listed below. Students must apply for the transcript notation no later than the first day of the term in which they anticipate graduating. See the full requirements and apply for the program.

Dr. Brent Terwilliger

Dr. Robert Deters

In the News

NSF-Funded Program Empowers Online Student Researchers