The uncrewed systems industry, including air/space, robotics, ground, and maritime systems, continues to increase with the complexity and variability of designs, operations, and regulations; driving the need for qualified and knowledgeable professionals, well versed in capabilities, requirements, and considerations. This sustained growth provides a multitude of career options, evidenced by the number and scope of advertised employment opportunities, worth a combined approximate $5.33B. Those with the relevant education, knowledge, skills, and experience will be well positioned to identify effective and efficient applications, cultivate innovation, provide leadership, and solve challenges affecting the field. The intent of this document is to convey descriptions of the type, number, and locations of career possibilities available or benefiting from completion of uncrewed systems-related curricula and degrees. The presented information is not meant to serve as an exhaustive identifier of all career prospects, but instead to provide a guide for identifying potential opportunities, disciplines, or career tracks to pursue during or upon completion of educational milestones.
This website is categorized by career opportunities, companies, and locations to assist with student educational guidance, career development, and eventual job pursuit. It is envisioned that a student entering an uncrewed system-related educational program will have researched and considered the type of career opportunities most aligned to their own experience, education, and personal interests, prior to starting coursework. Such research will assist in gaining a fundamental understanding of typical expectations and requirements across the field. The insight offered from this personal evaluation and exploration of opportunities will serve to support the development of personal goals, guide selection of further education options, completion of coursework (e.g., selection of research design, topics, and project focus), and personal career development and growth. The information presented, includes titles, descriptions, and number and locations of positions identified and compiled from sources conventionally used to support job pursuit, such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics and career development and search websites (e.g., Indeed.com and Glassdoor.com).
Contact Us
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach, FL 32114

About the Author
Dr. Brent Terwilliger
Associate Professor, College of Aviation