Follow the steps below to complete your registration at Embry-Riddle Worldwide

It is strongly recommended that students register with the help of an Academic Advisor. Your Advisor's contact information can be found on the left side of your ERNIE homepage on the My Advisors tab.

Step 1: Check Term Dates

View the Academic Calendar, which outlines the start, add/drop, withdrawal and end dates for all terms at Worldwide. It is important to reference this each term you enroll so you are aware of any deadlines.

These dates are subject to change.

Step 2: Course Search and Enroll

After speaking with your Academic Advisor, they can enroll you or you can self-enroll for the course(s) they recommend using Campus Solutions or RegistER. See instructions below. Your catalog can provide additional information on courses. Be sure to select "Catalog Archives" if you have a previous catalog year.

  1. Visit the Course Search Tool page.

  2. Utilize the toolbar on the left to narrow your search by Degree Level, Course Subject and Term. For those interested in EagleVision Home or Worldwide Campus courses, you can also search by Day & Time.

  3. Once you have found the course(s) you are interested in taking, self-enroll by following the Search and Enroll using Campus Solutions steps below, or contact your Advisor.
  1. Go to your Campus Solutions Student Homepage.

  2. Select the Manage Classes tile.

  3. Select Class Search and Enroll.
  1. Watch the RegistER Student Guide video, and refer to the RegistER Student Instructions if needed.

  2. Go to the RegistER website (login required) and follow the steps provided.

  3. Let your Academic Advisor know if you have any questions.

Step 3: Make Payment

Payment in full or a payment plan is expected to be in place no later than seven days before the first day of the term. Your course(s) will be dropped if payment is not received by the term start date. Use the plus (+) signs below to expand more information about the payment method of your choice.

  1. Review the Military Students and Benefits page and contact your military branch to initiate setup.

  2. It is important to upload your military tuition assistance voucher through the Secure Form seven days before the first day of the term.

  3. Additional payment arrangements should be made if your TA benefits do not fully cover tuition.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Student Financial Services –, 386-226-7058

Department of Military and Veteran Student Services –, 1-855-785-0001

  1. Review the Military Students and Benefits page and contact the Department of Veterans Affairs to initiate setup.

  2. Review the Veteran Benefits page for steps on how to set up your VA benefits with Embry-Riddle Worldwide. Admitted students can find more resources on the Veterans Affairs page in ERNIE.

  3. It is important to complete the Secure Form seven days before the first day of the term. This acknowledges the required statements of understanding and notifies the Worldwide Department of Military and Veteran Student Services of your intent to use VA benefits.

  4. Additional payment arrangements should be made if your VA benefits do not fully cover tuition. 

If you have any questions, please contact:

Student Financial Services –, 386-226-7058

Department of Military and Veteran Student Services –, 1-855-785-0001

  1. It is important to upload your voucher through the Secure Form seven days before the first day of the term.

  2. Additional payment arrangements should be made if your employer/sponsor’s tuition assistance does not fully cover tuition.

If you have any questions, please contact Student Financial Services at or 386-226-7058.

  1. Review the Financial Aid page if you have not been admitted to the University and plan to use financial aid. Admitted students can find more information on the Financial Aid page in ERNIE.

  2. Accept your financial aid and review your funding Track: Track 1 (July - September - November - February - April) or Track 2 (August - October - January - March - May).

  3. Additional payment arrangements should be made if your financial aid does not fully cover tuition.

If you have any questions, please contact Worldwide Financial Aid – or 1-866-567-7202.

If you need to make a direct payment, review Making Payments for your options and follow the step-by-step instructions on the How to Make a Payment document.

Step 4: Purchase/Rent Books & Materials

Type your courses into the Master Textbook and Materials search bar and purchase or rent from our bookstore or another third-party source.

Modality Options


  • Learn from anywhere in the world with a reliable internet connection
  • No specific meeting times


  • Attend class via live video conferencing
  • Requires headset, camera, and reliable internet connection
  • Interact with your peers and instructor in real-time
  • Requires specific meeting times

Worldwide Campus

  • 100+ physical locations
  • In-person or virtual faculty instruction
  • Requires specific in-person meeting times